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Off the Job Training

To attract government funding an apprenticeship must meet the requirements of a minimum of 20% off-the-job training. This is defined as learning, which is undertaken outside of the normal day-to-day working environment but within an apprentice’s paid hours and leads towards the achievement of the apprenticeship.

This can include training that is delivered at the apprentice’s normal place of work but must not be delivered as part of their normal working duties. The off-the-job training must be directly relevant to the apprenticeship standard. To count, the apprentices must not be undertaking their normal day-to-day duties and that their time is being spent in some form of training or development relevant to the Apprenticeship standard they are completing.

Examples of what can be included in the off the job training?

  • Workshops
  • Lectures/seminars.
  • Inductions (if related to role).
  • Role play.
  • Simulation exercises.
  • Online learning/webinars.
  • Manufacturer training.
  • Study time/research.
  • Completion of workbook/assignment/self-reflection diaries.
  • Coaching/Mentoring/one to ones.
  • Industry visits/competitions.
  • Work shadowing.

Examples of what it does not include:

  • Training to acquire knowledge, skills and behaviours that are not required in the standard or framework
  • English and maths (up to level 2) as funded separately
  • Progress reviews or on programme assessments
  • Training outside the apprentice’s normal paid working hours.

Guidance documents are issued regularly by the Education and Skills Funding Agency and can be found on this link.