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OLE training highlighted by light rail operators Friday July 12, 2024

A project to develop specialised training for overhead line engineers working in light rail is now taking shape, and network operators are being urged to play a role in developing future courses.

At a recent meeting of the UKTram Operator Group, members were informed that they would soon be contacted for information on potential training providers as the project takes shape.

The hybrid meeting, hosted by Blackpool Transport, also heard about a working group set up by colleagues in the sector’s Heads of Safety Group to look at Signals Passed at Stop incidents and received updates on a range of challenges faced by individual networks.

Steve Duckering, UKTram Operations Manager, commented: “During a lively meeting, members covered a lot of ground, with detailed discussions on medical standards, antisocial behaviour, and the introduction of innovative procedures designed to help staff thinking of retiring adjust to leaving the workplace.

“The well-attended meeting was also preceded by a tour of the newly opened Talbot Road extension, which now offers residents and visitors a direct link to Blackpool North Station.”