The Managing Director of light rail’s representative body is urging male colleagues to think about ways they can contribute to making the sector an even more inclusive place to work.
After attending a recent Women in Transport event focusing on ways men can support their female colleagues, James Hammett says much still needs to be done on the road to full equality.
Following the Male Allies workshop in London, James said: “Women are already well represented in light rail when compared to many other modes of transport, but we know we still have a long way to go.
“The workshop provided eye-opening examples of all-to-common forms of unconscious bias and accidental sexism in the workplace that can act as a barrier to women fulfilling their full potential.
“As an organisation, UKTram is committed to doing all we can to help remove those barriers and is fully behind the work of Women in Transport and Men for Inclusion, the organisation that delivered the recent workshop on its behalf.
“Further information from the event will be shared with our members through our functional working groups and other communication channels.”
In the coming months, UKTram also plans to highlight the outstanding work being done by women in light rail and the opportunities the sector offers for female colleagues.
In the meantime, more information about Men for Inclusion, which was originally founded to encourage diversity in the financial sector, can be found on their website, here.