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Event highlights funding opportunities for light rail innovators Monday July 17, 2023

Firms operating in the light rail sector have the opportunity to find out how to access funding for projects driving innovation in the sector during an online event this week.

Organised by Granted Consultancy, the webinar on Wednesday, July 19, will explore opportunities for innovators within mass transit, mobility and related sectors.

Sara Palmer, Head of Partnerships at Granted, will be joined by UKTram Managing Director, James Hammett, to highlight how firms can benefit from non-dilutive funding and how it can be integrated into their research and development strategy to support growth.

“This fascinating subject will be of interest to all companies at the cutting edge of light rail innovation,” James said. “We would urge them to sign up to find out more about potential investors, and how to apply for a share of available funds.”

For further information on the webinar, and to book a place, click here.