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Congress provides European perspective on light rail challenges Friday March 24, 2023

New financing models for future light rail projects in Europe have been highlighted during a successful international event this week.

UKTram Managing Director, James Hammett was among the delegates at the European Light Rail Congress in Tenerife which also included a fascinating update on the recently expanded Helsinki Metro in Finland.

The use of artificial intelligence to predict emerging travel patterns was also put under the spotlight and all these developments are set to be discussed at future meetings of UKTram working groups.

“The event provided an ideal opportunity to learn from, and share best practice, with our European colleagues,” James said. “As well as providing valuable updates on a range of important projects, it has provided us with a wealth of information across a range of topics that will be of interest to our members.

“We would particularly like to thank Tenerife Metro for hosting a special demonstration that offered an insight into their SIMOVE speed control system.”