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Praise for strategy at light rail conference Friday July 15, 2022

A bold strategy aimed at driving the growth of light rail has been well received by delegates at a high-profile event for sector professionals.

Launched earlier in July by UKTram, the landmark strategy document proved a hot topic for discussion at the UK Light Rail Conference in Gateshead this week and was referenced by several high-profile speakers.

James Hammett, Managing Director of UKTram, explained: “Throughout the event we received plenty of positive feedback on the strategy from delegates.

“Building a compelling case for tramways and similar transit systems, its publication has already been welcomed by Transport Minister Baroness Vere, who gave a video presentation to the conference.

“The strategy was frequently discussed both inside and outside the conference halls, and it has certainly attracted the attention of leading figures in the sector as well as other key stakeholders.”

In his own presentation to the conference, Mr Hammett explained how it has helped to shape UKTram’s latest three-year business plan which focusses on driving sector growth through innovation and collaboration.

“Key to this will be recruiting and retaining the next generation of light rail professionals, further improving the customer experience and effective data collection for sector-wide benchmarking,” Mr Hammett said.

“We will also focus on further strengthening our already close links with the Department for Transport and other stakeholders, whilst providing support for local authorities and other organisations looking to expand existing systems to build new ones.”

A Light Rail Strategy for the UK can be downloaded from the UKTram website here, and the organisation’s latest business plan can be viewed here.

Further details of the conference, organised by Mainspring and held at the Gateshead Hilton, can be found here.