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Pre Metro proposals published Friday January 28, 2022

Pre Metro are still pursuing their ambitions to segregate the current dual-track heavy rail lines between Stourbridge and the Round Oak Steel Works near Brierley Hill to provide a dedicated passenger service. 

Phil Evans, Managing Director at Pre Metro, stated that: The formation of ‘Great British Railways’ and the dire consequences of COVID have resulted in financial pressures both inside and out with the Department for Transport.  We believe that our schemes if properly implemented, would give greater value for money and the ‘Dudley Dasher’ offers affordable and valuable connectivity for our community, the local economy and the environment.”

The TOC will be meeting with local MPs to receive their recommendations on how to proceed with Dudley and Brierley Hill services, and they hope that they will soon be moving forwards to develop the Strategic Outline Business Case with backing from the WMCA.

You can find out more about the proposal here: