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Covid response still dominates HR discussions Thursday March 18, 2021

Supporting staff during the roll-out of Covid-19 vaccinations and the ongoing coronavirus restrictions has been a key priority for HR professionals from across the light rail sector.

Lateral flow tests for employees have also been introduced by a number of operators, members of the UKTram HR Group heard this week.

Representatives from Nottingham, West Midlands, Edinburgh, Sheffield, Manchester, Blackpool and Croydon all joined in the group’s most recent online meeting – which also heard how operators continue to keep in contact with staff who are shielding, on furlough or sick leave to ensure their wellbeing and support them with any mental health issues.

For example, Edinburgh Trams holds a fortnightly Teams call with the MD, where staff can call in and hear about business updates and ask questions, while others have taken to social media to stay in touch.

Jamie Swift, UKTram Marketing and Commercial Manager, explained: “Naturally, responses to Covid-19 provided the hot topic of conversation at this second meeting of the recently established Group, and it provided an ideal opportunity for HR professionals to share their experience of adapting to changes in safety guidance.

“The meeting also heard that a number of operators are now looking at recruiting staff in readiness for increased services as lockdown restrictions ease.”

Future meetings will cover topics such as Covid-19 recovery, new ways of working post pandemic, continued recruitment challenges and staff wellbeing as they return to work. For further information about joining the group, email