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Eye-catching tribute to tram drivers Thursday April 16, 2020

Two schoolboys have paid a special tribute to Nottingham’s tram drivers for helping to keep the city moving during the coronavirus lockdown.

Brothers Toby and Henry Stapleton, who live in Sherwood, have been helping to lift the spirits of tram employees by making their own ‘Thank you NET drivers’ banner.

As well as posting images of the banner on social media, they’ve been holding it up at tram stops near to their home during daily walks with their mum – to the delight of passing drivers and customers.

Constantina Samara, Customer Services Manager, commented: “The tram really is providing a vital service during these difficult times and our front-line staff have been touched by this show of support.”

Eight-year-old Henry and Toby, seven, made the eye-catching tribute at home following the closure of their school, Seely Primary, due to the virus. Mum Sandra, Deputy Headteacher at Nottingham University Academy of Science and Technology, said the boys had always had an interest in trams and considered drivers unsung heroes.

“They know NHS staff and care workers are doing a fantastic job and have joined in shows of support for them, but they felt that the people who get them to work deserve similar recognition,” she said.

“The banner was all their idea, and they’re thrilled that it’s been spotted by drivers as they carry out their vital work.”

In appreciation of their morale-boosting efforts, the family have been invited to a depot tour following the lifting of emergency coronavirus restrictions.

Constantina added: “Giving Toby and Henry a behind-the-scenes peek at how the network operates, and the chance to meet some of their heroes, is the very least we can do to say thank you to them for their support!”