Summerlee Tramway

The tramway was the first operational tramway in Scotland for twenty-six years following the closure of the Glasgow Corporation Tramway in 1962, and continued to be the only tramway in Scotland for another twenty-six until Edinburgh re-opened its tramway in 2014, save from the Glasgow Garden Festival Tramway, which opened six weeks after the Summerlee Line.
Whilst the first two operational trams at Summerlee were continental cars, it has always been the intention to use traditional British cars, preferably with local connections, which is now being realized.
The Summerlee Transport Group (STG) was formed in 1988, in order to support the maintenance and operation of the tramway.
The original tramway used to terminate only 300 yards from the entrance at the timber shed, before the extension of the Gartsherrie Branch canal bridge and thence towards the Miners’ Cottages.
As continued tradition, the cars still halt at the timber shed before continuing over the bridge and around the bend.
Please note: Due to an electrical issue on the tram lines, the trams are not running at the moment. The team are working to resolve the issue and hope to have the trams running again soon.