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Centre of Excellence on track for award Friday August 30, 2024

The work of UKTram’s Centre of Excellence has earned it a place on the shortlist for a top industry accolade.

At the Global Light Rail Awards in October, it will be hoping to be crowned Team of the Year after delivering a series of projects aimed at driving sector growth.

Published this week by organisers Mainspring, the awards shortlist also features numerous UKTram members competing across a host of categories, including UK Operator of the Year, Best Customer Initiative, Most Improved System, Significant Safety Initiative, and Project of the Year.

Other front runners at the awards include West Midlands Metro, Edinburgh Trams, Keolis Amy Metrolink, Keolis Nottingham, First Group, and a host of other organisations from the UK and overseas.

The winners will be announced during a gala dinner at the Bloomsbury Ballroom in London on October 2, and a full shortlist and list of categories can be found here.