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Group highlights third-party disruption Friday February 10, 2023

Light rail leaders have agreed to work together on ways to improve reliability and reduce costs by targeting disruption that’s due to factors beyond the control of operators.

Members of the UKTram Executive Group have agreed to share best practice on measures they’re taking to cut down on delays caused by other road users.

James Hammett, UKTram Managing Director, explained: “Overall, tramways and similar transit systems are amongst the safest and most reliable forms of public transport, but the actions of third parties can have a significant impact on service delivery.

“Delays can be caused by vehicles blocking the path of the tram, road congestion and a host of other minor incidents that operators frequently encounter.

“However, some networks have managed to improve their performance by working on solutions with external organisations, including highways agencies and the emergency services, as well as through public information campaigns.

“Over the next few months, they will also be sharing examples of successful campaigns and considering new initiatives to further improve sector-wide reliability.”

As well as inconveniencing customers, service delays can result in financial penalties for operators. As they already face increasing cost pressures in all areas of operation, reducing avoidable delays was part of a wider discussion on improving efficiency during the most recent Executive Group meeting.

“As part of the meeting, members also discussed the Government’s proposed legislation on the delivery of minimum services levels during industrial action and how they will be able to comply with any new laws and how it will impact on their contractual obligations,” James added.