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International event recognises women working in light rail Wednesday November 30, 2022

UKTram has been strengthening links with the wider international transport sector at a major event in the Far East where the role of women in light rail was put firmly under the spotlight.

Lorraine George, the organisation’s Business Manager, was among the delegates at the LTA-UITP Singapore International Transport Congress and Exhibition, which earlier this month featured key speakers from across the globe.

“During the event, there was a lot of discussion on the work being done to promote the transport industry as a career choice for women, and the barriers to addressing what is currently a huge gender imbalance,” Lorraine explained.

“Delegates also explored ideas on how to get more women to use trams, particularly at night, including the provision of safe zones and the introduction of new technology enabling customers to alert staff if they have any concerns.”

Other topics covered during the three-day event included cyber security, rail asset management and harnessing technology for an inclusive workforce and passenger experience.

There were also sessions aimed at sharing best practice on electronic payment solutions as well as presentations on the trends influencing the design of stations and transforming cities by advancing public transport as the backbone of urban travel networks.

“The event provided a fascinating insight into the challenges faced by colleagues in other parts of the world, as well as the innovation solutions they are putting in place to overcome them,” Lorraine said.

“At the same time, it proved an opportunity for UKTram to raise its profile on the international stage and forge closer links with other organisations representing the global transport industry.”